Stand up for your rights

When feminism turns into fe-Money-ism…

Posted on: March 8, 2011

It is a widespread misconception that feminism is a noble movement for equal opportunity, equal pay and gender equality but the so called activists are proving it otherwise over and over again! This is a humble attempt to take you for a deep dive into the demands of so called equal opportunity advocates; I would rather prefer to call them opportunists.

Demand Number North South
1 Women need reservation and special privileges because they are not at par with men and required to be uplifted. From bus station to parliament we have witnessed this battle for charity. There have been heated discussions going on to dilute the entrance exams for higher education too to increase the female head count. Women are equally good and capable as men and can do anything that a man can; So army should keep the doors wide open for them. Women should be paid equal for the same job.
2 Upon divorce women are left with nothing, along with the burden of kids. So they need rights on husband’s properties. For the best interest of the kids, it is the right of the mother to have kids live with her as they are good in multitasking and nurturing; and let the father pay child support.
3 Crime against women is sky rocketing and so we need more and more stringent laws to tackle this menace. a) Sexual harassment at work place bill should start providing at least 1/4th from the salary of the accused as monthly relief right when the complaint is lodged.

b) Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act should start providing relief before investigation of complaint, including residence rights even on husband’s ancestral property.

c) Irretrievable breakdown of marriage clause for divorce should not be allowed to husbands unless financial hardship of women is sorted out.

d) Contribution of housewives has monetary value and so women need equal rights on marital properties.

e) All sorts of sexual assaults should be considered as rape and should be compensated based on the income of the accused.

4 Every four hours one dowry death is getting reported and so IPC section 498a for dowry harassment should not be diluted based on widespread allegation of rampant misuse. There is no misuse of IPC 498a reported so far. Women want fair settlement upon divorce.
5 More than 20000 NRI bride dumping cases are pending in Punjab alone. Marriage laws need amendment to secure innocent brides’ future. The proposed new marriage registration form will have columns for social security number of the overseas husband, passport details and ID/labour card details so as to attach the properties of husband abroad in order to secure innocent brides’ future.
6 Unlike in all other nations of the world, men in India do not need parliament’s protection for sexual harassment at workplace because situation in India is different and we don’t need to bring western laws as is. Almost all western nations recognize the need of division of marital properties and so should India do.
7 Women in rural parts of India are facing brutal violence from husband and family members and therefore we need more laws like Protection of women from domestic violence Act; say honor killing, lecherous killing, acid attack, eve teasing as rape etc. Misuse of dowry laws and domestic violence act for extortion by urban women are not valid grounds to take the teeth out of those laws. If those laws are not been used by rural women it is because they are not aware of such laws. Government should allocate more funds for women NGOs to publicize the “benefits” of these laws.

No matter how legitimate the demands are one thing is common that all demands end at one of the various definitions of Money. (Alimony, property, child support, maintenance, settlement, compensation, finance, funds etc).

It is imperative to think how these so called “helpless” “vulnerable” and “worthless” women become strong enough to control the media and propagate their ludicrous lies. Who is funding them? Why would someone fund feminism? If the intention is social reforms why wouldn’t they fund to eliminate poverty? Reduce maternal mortality? Reduce road accidents? Eradicate contagious deceases?

Are feminists getting used by industrialists the same way as politicians and external forces use religious sentiments to create unrest in the society? Who would be the beneficiaries? What does it make so profitable to fund feminism? Who would benefit from dividing men, women and families (the basic structural unit of the society) and force them to stay under different roofs? What would be the motive and real intention of those who control half of the wealth on this planet? Are morals, values, principles and ethics of life getting replaced with MONEY?

3 Responses to "When feminism turns into fe-Money-ism…"

I am posting the link again for readers:

नारी मुक्ति का मीठा जहर !


I will try my level best to post the translated version.

Its a nice blog can i put it in FB & other social sites!!

sure… I’m celebrating my 100th blog on 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2011.
Please join the celebration by forwarding it to everyone you know….

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